What is Facial?

A facial cleans, exfoliates and nourishes the skin to promote clear, well-hydrated skin. 

Currently We Offer Following Types of Facial:

X-Press Facial  (30M) $60

(Restores the natural radiance to your face and eases the tension in the neck and shoulders with a revitalizing mini massage. This treatment is ideal for your lunch time break)

European Facial (60M) $80

(Include removal of impurities of the skin such as whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. It also includes the removal of embedded dirt under the skin. After this treatment, the face feels renewed and youthful. Circulation and blood flow is better leaving the feeling of being tired, stress and tense behind. A European simply includes extraction, exfoliation and massage)

Deep Cleansing Facial (60M) $90

(Deep Layer cleansing, exfoliation, steam,  facial massage, removal of blackhead and individualized treatment with mask  chosen to suit and soothe)